2024 Winner



Kraft Heinz (Just Crack An Egg)
"Just Date A Farmer"


Just Crack an Egg is the least well-known brand within the Kraft Heinz portfolio with near zero unaided brand awareness. They needed people to try the product, which requires a single fresh egg to prepare.

Unfortunately egg prices were out of control in early 2023, up as much as 70% across the U.S.. The cost of eggs was reported daily on news stations across the country, and was the subject of many podcasts and memes. While the brand couldn’t solve the problem of Inflation, it could offer an unconventional solution to help people get their hands on eggs.

To help people get eggs, they partnered with an unlikely social network, FarmersOnly.com. A dating network for farmers with over 1.5 million users. Together they designed a promotion: with the purchase of Just Crack an Egg, people could unlock a year membership to Farmers Only, giving them free access to farmers with eggs in their area. How they got the eggs? They left that up to them.

They created a one-of-a-kind brand partnership the allowed everyone across the US the possibility to date a farmer as a solution to egg prices — an experience they would’ve never considered.

They used social channels like Instagram and Facebook to share the message, where conversations around egg prices were happening in real-time, as well as traditional channels like outdoor and print. PR outreach to news outlets followed with a focus on morning shows, an appropriate time to talk about a solution to a morning food crisis.

“Just Date a Farmer” successfully turned hate for egg prices into love for Just Crack an Egg. Sales outperformed the category by 17% the week of launch with a 9% increase in sales velocity YoY. Brand awareness jumped by 13%; brand interest among their target increased by 111%; and usage frequency rose by 25%.

They garnered over 142MM earned impressions and 100% positive PR sentiment, thrusting a brand with zero awareness into the national spotlight. With an earned media value of $1.3MM, the campaign outperformed the investment by 400%. On social they outperformed their portfolio average clickthrough rate by 270% and FarmersOnly enjoyed a 53% spike in site traffic.


Chief Creative Officer: Daniel Lobaton, Aaron Starkman, Mike Dubrick
Chief Strategy Officer: Sean McDonald
Creative Director: Mike Dubrick, Daniel Lobaton
Associate Creative Director: Alex Smith, Mat Cruz, Brie Lim
Writer : Alex Smith
Art Director: Mat Cruz
Designer: Brie Lim
Strategist: Julian Morgan, Sarah Phillips, Tevis Spence
Producer: Steph Walker-Wells, Keegan Shay, Lauren Sloan
Print Producer: Meg Norton
Studio: Brad Kumar, Justin Chan
Group Business Lead: Adam Ball
Group Account Director: Jamie Sutherland
Account Director: David Greisman
Account Supervisor: Jamie Flatow
Editor: Ignacio Florez
Media: Starcom

Nina Patel, Head of Brand Comms NA
Anne Field, Director, Brand Comms
Kelsey Rice, Sr. Brand Manager